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5 Must-Have Features For A Marijuana E-commerce Website

cannabis marketing agency

The e-commerce journey of a typical business starts by building a website and CBD businesses are no exception. However, things may get a little tricky when it comes to building a marijuana website because the audience base and their expectations are very different. Features that work for a conventional e-commerce store may not get you the same results. You really need to think beyond the ordinary of you want to build a conversion-focused site that strengthens your brand as well. Here are some must-have features that make a successful marijuana e-commerce website.

Educational storytelling 

Even though cannabis has attained legal status, there are several myths and misconceptions about these products. The best way to hook the audience is by having educational content on your website. At the same time, you should mix in storytelling elements that are capable of holding the attention of the audience. Showcase the efficacy of marijuana products for medicinal and recreational purposes. Educate the readers about key facts like the types of products, methods of marijuana consumption, safe dosage and more. 

Quality visuals

Content builds an emotional connection with the audience but quality visuals take things a step further. You cannot expect the average user to stay and explore a bland website. Rather, neat images and interesting videos can enhance their engagement value manifold. One thing that you need to ensure is a seamless blend between design and visuals. Additionally, they should be optimized so that the site’s speed is not compromised.

User-generated content

While educational storytelling and quality visuals keep the visitors engaged, user-generated content can actually win their trust and compel them to buy. Essentially, these are the reviews and user stories shared by real customers. Your cannabis marketing agency would surely want to have a few pieces on the site because they go a long way in increasing your brand’s credibility. The best way to get them is by requesting your loyal customers to share these pieces and even incentivizing them for doing so.

Excellent user experience 

Excellent user experience is another element that drives success for your e-commerce website. When it comes to UX, you need to make sure that the site’s navigation is intuitive and seamless. Loading speed is another factor you should prioritize because the one that loads slowly is bound to lose its customers and search ranking as well. Another vital aspect of a good UX is security, which matters even more for e-commerce stores where buyers share their credit card details.


Another feature that your cannabis store must absolutely have is mobile-friendliness. Simply speaking, your website should render seamlessly on mobile devices so that you do not lose on this segment of customers. The fact that a majority of people prefer to shop via mobile devices makes responsiveness even more crucial for your website. Additionally, being responsive means that your cannabis is aligned with the Google search algorithm and can easily rank in searches.

Now that you know all the essentials of cannabis website development, you can go ahead to have one created with your business. As a piece of good advice, you should have it done only by an expert with good experience in creating such sites.