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6 Hilarious Marijuana Moments on ‘Family Feud’

6 Hilarious Marijuana Moments on ‘Family Feud’

Have you ever been watching TV when someone on the screen says “weed” or “marijuana” unexpectedly and you get hyped like Buddy the Elf when he hears Santa’s name mentioned? You’re like “WEED! I KNOW HER!”

Turns out Family Feud is full of those moments, and as you may guess, every single one is pretty comical. So for that reason, and because I love you, I’ve compiled a list of six hilarious marijuana moments on the show.

‘Name Something That Gets Passed Around’

We were all thinking it, but surely there’s no way that’s an answer on family-friendly television, right? WRONG. His guess got eight points! What makes this clip even funnier is that the woman’s “collection plate at church” answer is up there, but it was a less popular response than the joint. So I guess that settles it: Mary Jane > Hail Marys.


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