Featured, Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana safer than opioids — Jessica Andrews

Medical marijuana safer than opioids -- Jessica Andrews

Medical Marijuana should be legal in all 50 states.

Currently, 29 states allow medical marijuana. It can increase appetite, ease pain, lower nausea and limit seizures. It affects everyone differently. Many people have said medical marijuana has made their lives easier by changing their moods for the better. Marijuana has proven to cause euphoria in people with major illnesses.

If medical marijuana was legal in all 50 states, many issues would be resolved. Marijuana doesn’t cause major damage, and it isn’t lethal. People often compare marijuana and opioids because they are often used to ease the pain. Opioids are very dangerous, and we don’t realize it.

If we used more medical marijuana and fewer opioids, we would see an immense difference very quickly and a lot less addiction taking over.


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