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Recreational Marijuana: Smoking and driving?

Recreational Marijuana Smoking and driving

Starting New Years Day recreational marijuana is now legal in California. Proposition 64 passed in November allowing recreational commercial marijuana activities for adults.

As the marijuana industry is ramping up in the state so is local law enforcement.

When it comes to the legalization of recreational marijuana they say they’re expecting a huge increase in DUIs.

Fresno Police Department’s traffic enforcement team is on high alert for those driving under the influence and said they will be for the next 6-9 months.

A hot topic in the New Year: recreational marijuana.

When it comes to lighting up and jumping in the car, don’t think about it. Fresno Police are treating marijuana use just like driving and driving.

Captain Michael Reid with Fresno Police Department said if you’re pulled over for any traffic violation and have a hint of THC in your system it’s considered DUI.

“The amount of THC it takes to get a DUI in California with blood and urine tests is very small compared to alcohol absorption,” he said.

Legal Analyst David Mugridge said there will inevitably be a rise in impaired driving but cracking down on recreational marijuana is still unprecedented.

“Unlike driving under the influence of alcohol where you have a specific cut off of .08, in the case of marijuana, you don’t have the fixed limit. At this point where there’s an automatic presumption of DUI. Now officers, attorneys, and judges are going to have to deal with people who are driving impaired and try and interpret what people in the state of California meant when they voted recreational marijuana is okay,” he said.
