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Burning Man, Buds, and Busts: Rules for Consideration

Burning Man, Buds, and Busts Rules for Consideration

Held in the Black Rock Desert of Northwestern Nevada, the annual Burning Man festival could be more accurately described as a communal gathering of the artistic Tribes. Set to spark the imagination of the creatively inclined on August 27, Burning Man’s temporary community – Black Rock City – is also a hotbed for police activity.

Despite Nevada’s voters legalizing recreational marijuana last November, attendees headed out to the remote desert location to embrace the purity of madness on the playa should be cognizant of a few important facts:

Burning Man Occurs On Federal Land

Burning Man, Buds, and Busts Rules for Consideration

The Black Rock Desert and the Burning Man event are held on federal land  Governed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), any recreational marijuana possession is considered a criminal offense. Individuals with a medical marijuana card and caught with their medicine on BLM land would face civil charges rather than criminal.

Gifting Marijuana Is Trafficking

Providing marijuana to others as a “gift” is still considered drug trafficking under federal law. Those caught selling marijuana at Burning Man, or those who are found in possession of more than 1 ounce of pot, will likely be prosecuted under Nevada law.

Gate Road Precautions

The Gate Road entrance is a law enforcement gauntlet: Also on federal property, the main entrance to the Burning Man Festival is loaded with police personnel. Make sure to fix any broken tail lights or other potential minor infractions that could lead to you being pulled over.

No Weed at Burning Man

Burning Man, Buds, and Busts Rules for Consideration

Sure, you can buy recreational marijuana in Nevada but anyone caught smoking in Black Rock City or their personal camps could face a citation of $675.

Marijuana DUI Threshold

Nevada law enforcement views individuals driving with more than 2 ng of THC in their blood as impaired, even if you’re driving a Discofish.

Kids Are Narcs Too

Be aware of narcs posing as underage consumers. These citations are pricey and can cost up to $1500.

Policed by BLM law enforcement, the FBI, and the Pershing County Sheriff’s Department, be aware the nine-day event is an annual money maker for local law enforcement.

A therapeutic experience for the majority of attendees –  those who bring weed need to stay alert and keep your stash in your tent or RV.
