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California Congressman to Feds: Legalize Pot, Commute Sentences

California Congressman to Feds Legalize Pot, Commute Sentences

On Sunday, a California congressman took to Twitter, suggesting the federal government should legalize cannabis and commute the sentences of individuals convicted of marijuana possession.

In addition to identifying marijuana legalization as an economic stimulus package that could benefit America’s workers, the California congressman queried his Republican cohorts about their conflicted love for states’ rights and guns, but not legal weed.

Congressman Khanna, a Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Obama administration’s Department of Commerce, took office after defeating his eight-term incumbent during the 2016 general election. An original co-sponsor of Sen. Sanders’ bill to make college affordable for all, Rep. Khanna is also credited with proposing a $1 trillion expansion of the earned income tax credit.

In the spirit of Christmas 2017 and Election day 2018, Khanna has now elevated his request of the federal government. Sure to upset some within the Department of Justice, the California congressman is asking the feds to end their prohibition of the cannabis plant and commute the sentence of “anyone” convicted of simple possession.

Seemingly a pipe dream for our immediate future, poll after poll indicates legalization will be an issue for America’s voters going forward – and one smart politicians will adopt in the near future.


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