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Canada is now the home of the world’s biggest marijuana company and this is what it means

Canada is now the home of the world's biggest marijuana company and this is what it means

While Canada is short ways away from the legalization of cannabis (with the expected date to be mid-2018), the country is already making strides to accommodate for what could be a potentially booming industry. Still months away from full legalization, Canada has just become the home of the world’s largest marijuana company.

Two Canadian companies: Aurora Cannabis and CanniMed Therapeutics have just merged, with Aurora Cannabis purchasing the smaller company for $1.1 billion dollars CAD. The joiner, by market value, forms the largest cannabis company in the world.

The joiner follows months of discussion and dispute over the future of two companies. Due to the imminent legalization that’s soon to come, Canada has seen many smaller companies join together – but none this big.

So what does this mean for Canadians?

It means that this soon-to-bloom industry will likely have a more than positive effect on our economy. It also means that even before it was legal, we did marijuana better than everyone else (go us!). It means that not only do we have one of the biggest companies in the country, but they’re already looking to expand to Europe. Oh, and P.S. – they’re hiring.
