Featured, Medical Marijuana

Cannabis Cup brings medical marijuana to Vienna Township

Cannabis Cup brings medical marijuana to Vienna Township

The marijuana business is growing and people are finding unique ways to grow it; and thanks to the High Times Cannibis Cup event, selling green is making some people a lot of green.

“It’s a booming industry, its only getting bigger, it’s not like they can’t stop it, the only thing with the government is now trying to figure out how they get their piece of the action,” says Captain Kirk

Hundreds of medical marijuana patients are taking over Auto City Speedway in Clio in search of a new high, and Captain Kirk says he’s giving them what they ask for.

“We’ve been all the way from cheesecake to medicated cous cous to popsicles, we wanted to show the community that there’s more than brownies and chocolate bars, that everything can be medicated so we wanted to make a wide variety because we have a wide variety of patients,” says Kirk.

The steady growing industry isn’t just about smoking marijuana anymore. Rebecca Geller the self proclaimed “donut queen” says edibles give people more options.

“We have expanded to the medibles line that’s a great way for patients to be able to ingest it if they don’t like to smoke or if they can’t smoke, it’s a great way to eat it, you don’t get that nasty taste,” says Geller.

The growth of this event is also big business for Vienna Township.

“It’s grown a lot and its definitely helping the industry here in Clio from the hotels selling out to the restaurants here they’re actually loving the business,” says Kirk

Marijuana patients like Bobby West say they see a future where it’s legal across the board.

“I see it changing where its recognized everywhere and it’s the same as alcohol if you’re 21 and over you should be able to smoke it, I see it just as a part of naturalness The times are changing, grandmas are using it now, grandpas, uncles,” says West.

And for those who don’t yet have a medical card, the doctor is on hand at the event giving consultations and temporary cards. But the battle to make weed legal for recreational use could be on the ballot next year if advocacy groups get the required signatures.


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