On Wednesday, officials announced that Cansortium Texas would be the first company to receive a medical marijuana license issued by the state of Texas, after a scrutinizing review from the state Department of Public Safety.
Endorsed by the Texas Republican Party earlier this year, the GOP requested the Texas legislature update and modify the state’s 2015 Compassionate Use Act, allowing physicians to prescribe medical marijuana to qualified patients at their discretion, according to the GOP’s platform.
“Compassionate Use Act – We call upon the Texas Legislature to improve the 2015 Compassionate Use Act to allow doctors to determine the appropriate use of cannabis to prescribed patients.”
Legalized in the Lone Star State by the passage of the 2015 Act, the non-psychoactive CBD oil (cannabidiol) can now be legally prescribed to patients suffering from intractable forms of epilepsy.One down and two to go, the Texas Department of Public Safety is also reviewing applications from Compassionate Cultivation and Surterra Texas.