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GRANT COUNTY: Rec. marijuana could be on May ballot

GRANT COUNTY Rec. marijuana could be on May ballot

Recreational cannabis could appear on the next Grant County ballot. According to marijuana advocate and local medical dispensary owner Haley Olson, the first steps are being taken:

“The ballot initiative is called Legalize Grant County, and currently we are waiting for judge approval, and then we will get signature sheets that will be circulated around the county. We will need 200 signatures to make it a legal ballot initiative, which will be voted on in May.”

Olson said if passed, the measure would overturn the current local ban on recreational cannabis sales, production and processing.

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has conducted its first round of decoy operations, testing to see if businesses sell and distribute liquor and marijuana in a safe and legal manner.

According to their reports, 24 percent of marijuana retailers that were tested, failed.

According to Olson, Rocky Mountain Dispensary in John Day was inspected, and passed. She described the inspection process:

“They checked our security system to make sure that we were checking ID’s, validating age and medical requirements. They also checked our inventory to make sure our inventory was correct with what was in the computers and with what we have in-taken.

We passed the inspection with 100% compliance through the checklist that the inspector brought.”
