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Indica Or Sativa: Which High Is Right For You?

Indica Or Sativa Which High Is Right For You

Many new consumers of cannabis are not aware that there are different plant types and may have questions regarding which would be the best for their needs. There are still long-time users that can get confused when mentioning the various categories like Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa.

Surprisingly, the terms have been around before your grandparents were born. In the 18th century, the distinction between sativa and indica was noted because of the difference in resin generation and their anatomy. Hybrids were introduced much later, but this was before producers began using the different genetics from many geographical regions all over the world to create new strains. In this article, you will read about individual characteristics; which will include, effects, morphology, and their flowering time.


Many marijuana connoisseurs are convinced that the origin of indica strains is from the Hindu Kush area located by Afghanistan. The severe mountainous climate conditions caused these plants to evolve thick coats of resin to help protect them from the bitter cold.

The structure of Cannabis indica includes a very dense, dark green foliage and ample leaves that may lack brilliance but they are definitely considered to be the best resin fabricators. Indicas are known to be more placid that will give you full-body effects or referred to as a “Couch High.”

Indica strains can easily be grown indoors with the right care and have a flowering time of forty-five up to sixty days. The production yields are slightly low but contain a higher percentage of THC. “Quality over quantity,” right?

Strains of Indica are recommended for conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, appetite loss, and severe pain due to diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, or fibromyalgia. A few of the favorite indica strains among patients are Granddaddy Purple (GDP), Death Star, God’s Gift, Blue Mystic, or Pure Kush. They are all capable of relieving pain with anodyne effects.


Cannabis Sativa originated in countries closer to the equator such as Thailand, Columbus, and Mexico. They thrive better in warmer climates that have weather patterns that continuously vary, while growing thinner and taller, unlike Cannabis indica.

Sativa plants can be distinguished by their leaves that are more narrow and typically colored with light shades of green. Some of these sativa plants have been recorded to reach heights of 20 feet if developed outside, but they also require longer flowering times. Even when the plant flowers, it can take ten weeks up to sixteen weeks for it to completely reach maturity. Cannabis sativa will usually create a higher yield, but the THC percentage is typically lower than indica strains.

Some marijuana consumers prefer sativa strains because they deliver a mind-high that can have creative boost effects. It’s recommended as an ideal morning medication because it can leave you feeling, exhilarated, energetic, and ready to tackle the day. A few of the favorite Cannabis sativa strains include Jack Herer, Green Crack, Sour Diesel, or Trainwreck.

We are always learning more about this beneficial plant so don’t get discouraged if you’re still a novice consumer. It’s ideal to keep a personal journal that notes how each strain that you try affects you. You will become very knowledgeable of which strain is best suited for your needs over time.

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