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Know The Best Dabbing Secret- How To Choose The Perfect Dab Rig


The concept of dabbing cannabis is more recent as compared to other methods of consumption such as vaping, edibles, and tinctures. But it has fast gained popularity because of the incredible results it delivers to the users. However, the method is complex when it comes to the consistencies of dabs and the choice of equipment. You may experience confusion with the selection of the right dab rig that is easy to use and gives the effects you want. But you need not worry a lot about the choice as we have some simple tips to help.

Get your joint basics clear

Before you start taking a look at the dab rigs, you need to understand the anatomy of joints. Initially, the bongs designed for dabbing had joints that worked well with the dome and nail combination. Later, domeless nails and quartz bangers took over, and it was simpler to make joints to fit the bongs with these designs. 

Apart from the fits, you also need to understand the joint angles. While some joints are at a 45-degree angle, others make a 90-degree angle. So you will require a banger with a 45-degree neck for a 45-degree joint. If you don’t have one, you will have to tilt back the rig while dabbing to vaporize the oils easily.

Pick the right size  

As a rule, do not opt for a bulky piece when you buy a dab rig, particularly if you are only starting with this mode. Users often dab to get quick and effective results with greater intensity. Smaller rigs are ideal for constant and quick delivery, with your lungs doing less work. A larger piece, on the other hand, is a better option if you want to divide a single hit into several smaller puffs. 

The good thing is that there are several compact options in the market. If you explore https://www.kings-pipe.com/collections/oil-dab-rigs, you will find pieces that are small and lightweight enough. Small sizes work for the users who want to discreetly dab on-the-go. However, small is not for everyone, and the choice boils down to personal preference. 

Percolation is important 

When it comes to choosing the best dab rig for a great experience, percolation is another key factor. Although it may be less significant with dabbing as compare to using a bong for dry herbs, it can still make a difference. A percolator filters the vapor and makes it cool and less harsh, so it goes a long way in customizing your dab hit.

When picking a dab rig percolator, you should look for one that would not clog easily. The ones with tiny holes are likely to get clogged easily. If it happens, you will need to clean the rig after every few dabs to keep it working properly and supplying an uninterrupted flow of vapor.

Choosing a dab rig as a beginner may be a challenge but you can learn the ropes with time, just as with any other weed equipment. Till then, you can seek guidance from someone who has been dabbing for some time.