Featured, Marijuana News

Latinx y Cannabis: Informando la Comunidad

Latinx y Cannabis Informando la Comunidad

We have posted about the Cannabis Cultural Association before and commend them for their hard work in cannabis law reform and in uniting activist groups, and they are doing it again with their next event, “Latinx y Cannabis: Informando la comunidad” or “Latinos and Cannabis: Informing the Community.”  It is definitely time that we see more events like this one that are catered to the Latino community, and TWB is thrilled to announce this event as the first of it’s kind in that regard!

Please join the Cannabis Cultural Association (CCA) as we host “Latinx en Cannabis: Informando la comunidad” Marijuana is a word with roots in the persecution of Latinx in America. Yet, so few events or groups give space for that community. Because, all cultures use cannabis, we’ve done just that. For the first time ever, we’ve put together an event in 100% Spanish and will be free for all those wishing to attend. The community will hear from various top industry leaders, medical professionals, activists and patient testimonials on how Cannabis is changing in America and overseas. In 2016, the majority of people arrested for Cannabis offenses were of Latinx descent, and while we make up a large percentage of the jail population, we are being left out and behind in the fastest growing industry in America. Communities have been lied to for the last century about Cannabis and have been made taboo. Today, we begin to change this perception and activate with the Latinx voice in Cannabis in the US and beyond!

“The vast majority of federal sentences for marijuana crimes went to Hispanics last year, according to new data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Hispanics were massively overrepresented with 77 percent of federal marijuana sentences, despite making up less than 20 percent of the U.S. population.” Steven Nelson, reporter at U.S. News & World Report.

The event will educate are audience on with a series of featured speakers from various organizations fighting for the legalization and ending the stigma against Cannabis. The Minority Cannabis Business Association, Women Grow, Latino Justice, Immigration Defense, American Civil Liberties Union, Massachusetts Recreational Consumer Council, Drug Policy Alliance, Marijuana Policy Project and much more!

The Cannabis industry continues to grow the latinx community can not be left behind now is the time to educate on the opportunities of positive change that can be created through Cannabis legalization.

As always light refreshments will be served, a special thank you to our partners on this event I Deserve Canna and Rebel Minded Media.  You can learn more or purchase tickets here.

About the CCA

The Cannabis Cultural Association strives to involve underrepresented communities in the legal cannabis/hemp industry, by providing informational workshops, cultural programs, and community events with an emphasis on issues disproportionately affecting communities of color: access to medical cannabis, adult use legalization, and criminal justice reform.

Latinx y Cannabis Informando la Comunidad


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