Featured, Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana license approved for Miami-Dade nursery

Medical marijuana license approved for Miami-Dade nursery

After a failed attempt at removing the judge from the case, state health officials have agreed to grant a coveted medical-marijuana license to Keith St. Germain Nursery Farms, a Homestead-based grower.

The new license brings the number of medical marijuana operators in the state to 13, and five more are on the horizon as Florida’s medical cannabis industry begins to blossom.

The new license settles a legal challenge filed by St. Germain after the state Office of Medical Marijuana Use denied the grower a license in August, following the passage of a new law.

Under the law, approved during a June special legislative session, health officials were required to issue licenses to applicants who had legal challenges pending as of January or who had scored within one point of the highest-ranked applicants in five regions.