Featured, Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana: Where Most Veterans Stand

Marijuana Plant With Large Cola

Whether you love it, hate it or fall somewhere in between, medical science increasingly supports the use of medical marijuana to treat several ailments and their symptoms.

Most notably:

  • Pain caused by cancer
  • Symptoms of multiple sclerosis
  • Symptoms of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
  • Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • PTSD
  • Chronic pain
  • Opioid dependence

The common denominator? Depending upon which conflict, exposure to chemicals, injuries, psychological trauma, etc., veterans show an increased risk for all of the above.

The VA’s Stance

Even though the federal government allows states to make up their own minds in regard to medical marijuana, the fact remains that it’s still considered a Schedule One controlled substance by the Food and Drug Administration.

This means that VA (Veterans Administration) personnel aren’t at liberty to recommend or prescribe medical marijuana. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean they’ll refuse treatment to vets who partake. In fact, patients are encouraged to discuss their usage so that VA providers can adjust treatment plans accordingly.

What Most Veterans Say

There are currently several veterans’ organizations dedicated to the nationwide legalization of medical marijuana; the most well-known, the American Legion.

In fact, the American Legion conducted an independent survey in 2017 canvassing self-described veteran households to get an idea of how most vets and their families lean on the issue.

Their findings*?

  • 92% of all respondents support medical research.
  • 82% of all respondents support legalizing medical cannabis.


Veterans who are in favor of medical marijuana research and legalization can find out how to help by visiting https://www.legion.org/mmjresearch.

In the Meantime . . .

If you’re a veteran or know one who might benefit from medical marijuana (and live in a state where it’s legal), the good news is: veteran status can help with cost.

There are several dispensaries that offer veterans anywhere from 10-15% off, with a prescription and valid proof of service. If you reside within a state that allows the sale of medical marijuana, simply use your online search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo!) to find cannabis companies that offer military discounts.

Some require a picture I.D. along with a valid DD-214. Others may accept a picture I.D. with a military designation, which can also be obtained using your DD-214.

But You Don’t Have Your DD-214?

If you’re one of the scores of veterans whose DD-214 has been lost, stolen, destroyed, or never received, you may have already experienced hardship when trying to use eVetRecs, the National Archives’ free service.

True: eVetRecs will attempt to retrieve your DD-214 from one of over 100 depositories scattered across the U.S. However, they are inundated with thousand of request per day and will typically not prioritize yours. It may takes weeks, even months, to receive your discharge papers.

Also true: DD214Direct.com was founded by veterans to help veterans with this very issue. We leverage a keen understanding of the National Archives’ procedures, along with an exceptional knack for communicating with government representatives, in order to retrieve your documents ASAP – we can even email them to you!

Let DD214Direct.com take the stress out of chasing down your discharge papers. Our three-tiered pricing allows you to decide just how quickly you need them, and our expertise will make you so glad you trusted us.


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