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Monterey Co. asks public how to spend weed tax dollars

Monterey Co. asks public how to spend weed tax dollars

Salinas residents weighed in on how Monterey County should spend its cannabis taxes, focusing on education, youth, health and restorative justice.

“We need to make our children safer,” said Lynda Cortez, 65, who attended the public meeting on the county’s marijuana tax revenue at Martin Luther King Jr. Academy Tuesday evening.

There, county administrators sought the public’s priorities for the estimated $7 million in tax revenue expected annually in the first few years after the state began licensing marijuana businesses Jan. 1.

Most of that revenue will come from cultivators in the county, said Nick Chiulos, assistant county administrator. The county is estimating regulating those businesses could eat up about half the revenue, but there are still many uncertainties, he said.

“The industry is still evolving,” Chiulos said.

The county is conducting an online poll and completed a random-selection phone survey in addition to Tuesday night’s meeting to take the public’s pulse on pot, said Luis Alejo, chair of the board of supervisors who also represents most of Salinas.

Israel Villa, an advocate with MILPA, said his group pushed for restorative justice, including an approach by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to use cannabis cash for aid in expunging convictions for now-legal cannabis activities.

“They invested in finding those people and helping those who qualify,” he said.

Another group suggested expanding legal services for low-income people.

Cortez said she worried about students’ safety given Salinas’ high murder rate and the recent shootings, but she also feared for older people who can’t afford rent. “We have a lot of seniors out homeless, not because of drugs but because they can’t afford housing,” she said.

She wanted to see the money spread over housing, education on drug abuse, and schools.

The meeting brought out young people as well, who said they wanted more extracurricular options, such as soccer, to keep them out of trouble.

Nonetheless, the incoming revenue won’t make up for an expected $20 million to $25 million hole in next year’s budget, Chiulos said.

The public’s feedback on marijuana taxes can also help the county staff and supervisors figure out what to prioritize in the budget, said Alejo, Salinas’ supervisor.

The county plans to hold three more forums:

March 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Laguna Grande Hall at the Oldemeyer Center, 986 Hilby Ave., in Seaside.

March 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. Castroville Library, 11160 Speegle St., in Castroville

March 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the King City Recreation Center, 401 Division St., in King City.

Input is also welcome via the online poll by Monterey County, available here.

Staff will bring the results of the meetings and surveys to the county’s budget committee meeting April 10, Alejo said.


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