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Reader: Marijuana Has Not Devastated Colorado!

Reader Marijuana Has Not Devastated Colorado!

On August 7, USA Today published an op-ed by Jeff Hunt, vice president of public policy at Colorado Christian University and outspoken critic of Denver’s 420 Rally, titled “Marijuana Devastated Colorado, Don’t Legalize It Nationally. Hunt’s reefer-madness-inspired piece — as well as the alleged facts, studies and sources he used to hammer home his point — elicited quite the response from readers. Says Vernon:

Colorado has been at near the top, if not at the top, of every list as far as strength of economy…so I don’t think Colorado has anything to worry about.

You know, I voted for it. I can’t smoke, and quite frankly do not understand what the big deal is. USA Today‘s piece…really didn’t do Colorado nor its people justice. Statistics are what you choose to make them. The booming industry in marijuana and its products does have a purpose: i.e. epilepsy, pain management, PTSD, to name a few. The economics of it have been proven. While I don’t inhale, I endorse legalizing, taxing and controlling it through the state. Too bad those who think we failed really don’t get the fact that schools are made better, economics are better, and people do not die from it. Unlike alcohol, prescription drugs and heroin….

Then there’s this from Nick:

Yeah, devastated us with great, affordable, strong weed. Outsiders will never understand the joy of buying weed with a credit/debit card.

We published our own response to Jeff Hunt’s essay; keep reading for that piece, as well as more of our coverage of Jeff Hunt’s campaign against cannabis.
