Performed in the Netherlands, a review of existing research on Cannabidiol – aka, the CBD cannabinoid found in marijuana – has underscored the compound’s efficacy as an antipsychotic medication.
In another victory for Cannabidiol, the recent review of existing research has determined the CBD cannabinoid found in cannabis is more effective at reducing antipsychotic episodes than currently prescribed pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects.
Schizophrenia affects approximately 3.5 million people in the U.S. and typically begins in early childhood, usually afflicting those between the ages of 15 and 25. Males historically succumb to schizophrenia at a slightly earlier age than females. While symptoms of schizophrenia are first detectable in men between the age of 16 and 25, the average female afflicted with schizophrenia realize their symptoms several years later, with an elevated incidence in women over 30.
CBD’s Antipsychotic Effects
The studies reviewed by forensic psychologist Lillian Kloft and published in the Maastricht Student Journal of Psychology & Neuroscience offer pragmatic support for the antipsychotic effects of the CBD cannabinoid.
For the review, Kloft examined the accumulated research from “experimental” and “non-clinical studies,” which examined the effectiveness of the CBD cannabinoid on schizophrenia. The reviewed studies were primarily based on “animal models of psychosis, human experimental studies, neuroimaging studies, epidemiological studies, and clinical studies.”
After first noting the CBD cannabinoid warrants “long-term, large-scale, randomized clinical trials,” Kloft’s review of the existing research concluded; “The preclinical and clinical studies discussed in this review provide promising initial support for CBD as an effective and safe antipsychotic compound. Preliminary evidence points to high tolerability, superior cost-effectiveness, and a promising side effect profile, suggesting an attractive alternative to current antipsychotic treatment.