Featured, Medical Marijuana

Top Marijuana Stocks to put you in the green

Top Marijuana Stocks to put you in the green

Leslie Bocskor, president of Electron Partners, discussed last year the explosive rise in demand for stocks in Marijuana. Over the next five years, its set to double in value each year as factors change in its favour. Since its legalisation in the US, demand has outstripped demand annually, and states are seeing the financial benefits.

By 2026, the annual value of cannabis worldwide will reach $50 billion according to MarketWatch. The market faces scepticism, but investment remains lucrative for those seeking a growth market. Here are some stocks to consider for putting you in the green.

Marijuana stocks to take your portfolio up

GW Pharmaceuticals – $129.68 (Down 0.41%)

The UK based medical company is seeing attention due to the use of medical marijuana in a line of pharmaceuticals. GW’s medical line called Epidiolex is an anti-epilepsy drug which is seeing good results for its users. Moreover, GW has been given a seven-year exclusivity to use and distribute Epidiolex, making them a lucrative investment.

Insys Therapeutics – $6.82 (Up 10%)

Based in Arizona, Insys Therapeutics centres itself on biotech for pain management and rights over Syndros. Used in the alleviation of symptoms such as Nausea from Chemotherapy of AIDS-related weight loss. Having control over these medications allow for Insys to be in a position for strong development.

Insys has undergone downturn in 2016 but is rallying this year to the jubilation of investors.

Aurora Cannabis – 7.02 CAD (Down 0.43%)

The company has seen movement within Australia and Europe over its line of consumable cannabis products. Aurora is undergoing a legal dispute, however, bringing forward a dissident circular, affecting stocks. Its progress in Europe is down to the acquisition of the German-based Pedanios, giving it a lucrative foothold.


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