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Tourist cries after marijuana fine

Tourist cries after marijuana fine

An American tourist cried yesterday at the prospect of spending six months in prison for marijuana possession.

Frank Mohamed, 34, of Chicago, Illinois, pleaded guilty to having seven grams of marijuana, worth $35, at his arraignment before Senior Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans.

According to the prosecutor, Inspector Claudette McKenzie, officers went to the Norwegian Sky cruise ship that was moored at the Prince George Wharf on December 2.

McKenzie said a petty officer handed over the defendant and a glass jar that contained the marijuana and a homemade cigarette.

Mohamed, a security officer, asked the magistrate to have mercy on him because he and his travelling companion didn’t have much money.

He said, “We’re just trying to get home.”

Vogt-Evans asked Mohamed if marijuana possession was illegal in Chicago. He said that it was. Vogt-Evans asked, “If it’s illegal in Chicago, did you not think it would also be illegal in The Bahamas?”

Mohamed admitted, “Yes, I guess I just thought I would get away with it.”

He added, “I’m very sorry. I’ve learned my lesson. I don’t even know how I’m going to get home.”

Vogt-Evans told Mohamed that he would have to pay a $1,000 fine to avoid spending six months in prison.

Mohamed convulsed in tears as he claimed that neither he nor his cousin had that amount of money between them.


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