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Trenton mayoral candidates discuss legalized weed, policing at debate

TRENTON >> In possibly the last time that all seven mayoral candidates will be present in the same room before the May 8 election, they tackled issues such as legalized marijuana and public safety at The Trentonian debate at Mercer County Community College’s James Kerney Campus in Trenton on Sunday.

With Gov. Phil Murphy expressing his willingness to legalize weed in the state and expanding the medical marijuana program, many of the candidates saw it as an opportunity.

“I’m the one who introduced the bill in the legislature for recreational marijuana,” Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer/Hunterdon) said. “I think cops have a lot better things to do than going after nonviolent offenders with a simple possession of marijuana. If we have the industry to come in here into the city, we can also offer real jobs. To turn the Roebling buildings into hydroponic gardens, to have dispensaries here. If we have dispensaries in the city of Trenton with minority set asides we can return economic progress to the very people that were shortchanged by this war on drugs.”

The issue was personal for former city Councilwoman Annette Lartigue.

“I support legalized marijuana and I support it because I had a sister who had cancer, and it went a long way in helping her survive, helping her with her pain, helping her function,” Lartigue said. “It has its place. Rather than locking up people, legalize it and make the tax money from it.”

Mercer County Deputy Clerk Walker Worthy said he is in favor of the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana.

“We need that revenue,” Worthy said, pointing to states such as Colorado and Washington that have already legalized the plant. “They’re using that revenue for good causes.”

Worthy believes police should also have more to worry about.

“When the police pull over someone and arrest them for marijuana, it’s our kids that are going to jail,” Worthy said. “When police pull over people and they arrest them for marijuana, it takes three hours worth of paperwork to handle that when they can be utilized doing something else besides doing paperwork for a little pot.”

City activist Darren “Freedom” Green also referenced to areas in the country where the crop is “impacting lives.”

“We can begin to make sure this is helping out in our communities,” Green said. “When Trenton is always crying broke, we have to move out of the old, stale minds that’s been here for 40 years and be open and receptive to new opportunities that are impacting this country.”

However, there was one dissenting voice on the topic.

“I’m a little bit nervous about the idea because this thing could get out of hand, getting to kids,” city Councilman Alex Bethea said. “I don’t want the guy who’s driving my airplane or piloting too highed up. So I’m a little more cautious about this thing than maybe perhaps some of my colleagues.”

All seven mayoral candidates got to lay out their platform at the start of the debate to the crowd of over 300 people.

Paul Perez, who was the 2014 mayoral runner-up, touted his investment in the city.

“I actually own one of those buildings and it was abandoned and I invested and I fixed it with my own money because I believe in this city,” Perez said of a building he owns on North Broad Street. “I want to not only be an example but I want to be a person of solutions. I want to be a person that includes everyone and I want to be a person that truly understands what it takes to make Trenton a beautiful city.”

Worthy said he is running for mayor because “commitment counts.”

“We want to live in a safe, clean environment,” he said. “We want a vibrant downtown, a place where we can live, work and play. And most importantly, we want to restore trust in our government.”

Harrison, who is the youngest candidate, said he threw his hat in the ring because “we simply need change here in Trenton.”

“We need a better education for our children,” the at-large councilman said. “We need to decrease drug dealing and violence in our communities. We need new businesses, new jobs and new life into our neighborhoods…I’m qualified, I’m competent and I’m committed to the residents.”

Green, who is running a grassroots campaign, tried to separate himself from the establishment.

“Entering City Hall, I will enter it not connected to the political machine, which has killed off this city here, but rather as a person who’s committed to the people of this city,” Green said. “We’ll also make sure all of our investments go to Trentonians and people who live here and not outsiders who have been robbing this city for over 40 years. I’m not a part of anything that’s occurred before but I’m the new beginning that we need to happen right now.”

Lartigue — the only woman in the race — said she believes in Trenton and brings experience.

“Experience is a must,” Lartigue said. “No matter what happens, there is no learning curve for the mayor’s seat — it requires executive experience. I’ve got what you need.”

Gusciora, the longtime 15th district legislator, would focus on “transforming the downtown to a viable economic zone.”

“We need to clean up our city, clean up those boarded properties so we can present investors to come into the city and want to invest and create real jobs for our citizens,” said Gusciora, a municipal prosecutor in Lawrence and Princeton. “I want to be the mayor that’s focused on the economic well-being of downtown.”

Bethea once again referred to his “five-point plan,” which addresses public safety, education, housing and economic development, stabilization of property taxes and employment for Trenton residents.

“I have not deviated one iota from my five-point plan and I will continue that right on through my mayorship,” the at-large councilman said.

The one big loser of the debate was current Trenton Police Director Ernest Parrey Jr. Parrey came under fire during his tenure for referring to residents as “hoodrats,” but he was not discharged by Trenton Mayor Eric Jackson, who is not seeking re-election.

In a lightning round question, all the candidates said they would replace Parrey and hire a new one.

“Yesterday,” Green said.

Lartigue followed with “last month.”

Gusciora said, “Yes with a lag.”

“Absolutely yes, right now, this very moment,” Perez chimed in.

“I’ve already requested that months ago,” Bethea said.

As for policing, some candidates presented similar solutions wile others offered new ideas.

Both Worthy and Harrison suggested cops living in the city they patrol.

“To me community policing is hire people from your community to police their residents,” Worthy said. “If we want to effectively have community policing, we have got to be committed to hiring Trentonians to police Trentonians.”

Harrison said police should “reflect Trenton.”

“I would love for our police officers to live next door to me,” Harrison said.

Lartigue was the only candidate to suggest a volunteer auxiliary police force.

“They’re paid for by grants, they have the same training at the same facility,” the former councilwoman said. “They add to (policing) by responding to non-emergent matters to free up our police officers to respond to the real emergencies.”

Perez talked about making it a priority to accredit the Trenton Police Department.

“Many people don’t realize but the Trenton Police force has not been accredited on a national level for quite some time,” Perez said. “They don’t really have tested and tried industry standards that they go by. When we do that, we will professionalize the force and we will reduce the amount of issues that we’re having right now with the police officers who are poorly trained.”

Gusciora felt that Trenton should boost its officers from 247 currently to 375, as it was in the “heyday.”

“If you want officers to walk the beat, we need to hire more officers,” Gusciora said. “I want to work with Gov. Murphy because the state really owes the state capital a lot more money than they’re putting in. The state should be compensating for the tax-exempt properties that we have.”

Bethea said his police director will provide “honor, accountability and transparency.”

“They need to be held accountable for their behavior,” Bethea said. “If their behavior is unbecoming of that uniform, then we will hold them accountable.”

A couple of the candidates offered new plans for the city.

Gusciora outlined establishing a 3-1-1 phone system for quality of life complaints so “we can track illegal dumpers, potholes, abandoned buildings and then prioritize where we need to clean up.”

Perez said he would create a small business office.

“I would provide specialized training for those entrepreneurs who are interested in creating their own small business,” Perez said, noting the office would help with putting together business plans, connecting businesses to financial loan institutions and mentoring and coaching.

The state becoming a greater partner was also mentioned by many of the candidates.

“We host thousand of people who come to Trenton and they leave us with nothing but the exhaust from their fumes,” Worthy said. “We’ve got to get more money from the State of New Jersey so we can sustain our city.”

Gusciora said he was the first legislator to endorse Gov. Phil Murphy, which will help with building that relationship.

“I don’t have to introduce myself to Gov. Murphy,” the assemblyman said. “The next mayor has to be established with partnership with the state.”


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