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Weed abatement Science Fair project teaches others how to be safer at home

Carson Galletti and Cole Fowler

The firestorm of last year affected everyone in our community, with ripples of its effects still being felt today. Two St. Mary’s sixth-graders were so affected by what they saw that they decided to study and find a way to help people be safer at home with California’s ever-present wildfire threat.

Carson Galletti and Cole Fowler used their science fair project to determine which vegetation is most flammable and which plants would be the best for landscaping to beautify and protect in a wildfire situation.

“We wanted to be able to show which plants people should plant to reduce a wildfire burning down your house,” said Galletti.

“The experiment was to see which plants burned faster than others, then we could see what plants you didn’t want by your house,” said Fowler.

Their experiment encompassed collecting samples of different landscaping vegetation, using a controlled environment and a torch to time how long each sample took to start free burning (with their parent’s supervision,) and recording their finding and making recommendations. They also interviewed local firefighters asking about factors to anticipate such as weather, recommendations for a successful experiment and which plants to sample.

“The most interesting thing I thought was that the thicker, waxier plants took longer to ignite,” said Galletti.

The experiment was such a success that they won their school’s fair, then went on to win the county science fair and were invited to the 67th Annual California Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles on April 23-24 to compete against over 1,000 of the state’s best science students in middle and high school.

“The best part was when the judges were asking us questions and we knew that we had the answers,” said Galletti.

“I thought the best part was actually doing the experiment and lighting the plants with our parents,” said Fowler.

In conclusion they agreed that people could protect themselves more by choosing better plants to have outside their homes. “Ivy or holly would probably be the best,” said Fowler.

Another important decision in protecting your home from the threat of fire is regular maintenance of weeds and grasses. These light, flashy fuels allow small fires to spread rapidly, especially if there is any wind blowing. They also are the leading cause of fires spotting or spreading away from the main fire and getting into homes by being lifted into the air and carried while burning and coming to rest on structures or more unburned light flashy fuels.

Space between the fuel and your home is the best defense. Additionally, removing dead plants, dry leaves or needles from your home takes potential fuel away from the travelling embers that can fly upwards of a mile during a wildfire.

“While there is no hard and fast rule, if it’s dry, tall and small reducing it is a good idea,” said Ukiah Valley Fire Authority Fire Marshal Kevin Jennings. “An hour of prevention becomes priceless when the threat is advancing on your property quickly.”

By removing these weeds and grasses the fire has less fuel to gain the momentum it needs in order to become uncontrollable. Some other advantages to regular weed and grass abatement include less allergy exposure, adding organic material to the soil, improving chances of positive plant survival, as well as removing shelter for pests and insects to become established. The rule of thumb from Cal Fire and local fire agencies is keeping these fuels to less than 4 inches tall.

Some tips for conducting a safe and effective abatement include:

•Using trimming, mowing and power equipment before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m.

•Removing rocks from the area as sparks can start a fire by a metal blade striking a rock.

•Keeping your equipment free of dust and oil and free of flammable materials.

•Remember to keep a phone nearby and call 911 immediately in case of a fire. Never put yourself in harm’s way by trying to extinguish an advancing fire.

The regular reduction of these weeds and grasses is the most effective and easiest way to reduce the fire threat in our valley. A regular monthly inspection of your property and early action on problem areas will greatly increase the survivability of your home in the event of a wildfire, as will the advice of local junior fire prevention officers Galletti and Fowler.

Credit: ukiahdailyjournal.com