International News, People, Weed

How weed magazines are preparing you for 4/20

weed magazine

Dude — you know what day Friday is, right? April 20? If you’re down with the fact that 4/20 is “Weed Day,” you’ve probably got a couple of pot mags someplace on the coffee table under all that other paraphernalia. If not, we’ve got you covered here, so stay chillin’ and read on.

High Times — the closest thing stoners have ever had to Better Homes & Gardens — features a “Guide to Spring Planting.” A seven-page spread inside is cogent, thorough and authoritative — despite the fact the author’s name is “StinkBud.”

“In Oregon, we’re allowed only four plants per property,” StinkBud advises. “They don’t care how big, just how many.”

Moving out of the garden and into the bedroom, a first-person account pushes advice on the subject of sex after childbirth that’s a bit, well, flakier. After waiting a doctor-mandated six weeks, author Jessica Delfino admits to feeling “a combined rawness and dryness, two words you don’t typically associate with lovemaking.”

A lengthy search, however, leads Delfino to — wait for it — a cannabis-infused cure, a topical that, she says, citing a scientific study, could benefit nine out of 10 women.

Elsewhere, the cover story on “Super Troopers 2” — an interview with the Broken Lizard comedy troupe, whose five members starred in 2001 original — blew our minds a little. The group says everyone participated in writing draft after draft of the sequel slated to debut this Friday — “so that nobody wrote for themselves” — before assigning any roles.

The process sounded so trippy we re-watched the original, only to find it does indeed present as a movie made by committee.

Founder Greg James of lesser-known Marijuana Venture set out to create a title that transcends “bongs and thongs.” It reads like an issue of the Harvard Business Review — only it’s devoted to a single industry, which, to say the least, has a pretty enthusiastic following.

This month’s most pleasing piece is “The Value of Celebrity,” a five-page spread on the usual suspects.

It’ll surprise nobody that Tommy Chong “tests” each sample before picking which strains receive his “Chong’s Choice” regional license.

Willie Nelson, meanwhile, sources “Willie’s Reserve” from farmers he has known for years. Several of them, admits company exec Elizabeth Hogan, would show up at concerts “with pockets full of [pre-legal] treats for Willie and the band.”

And Seattle-based Privateer Holdings, funded by Silicon Valley billionaire and Trump backer Peter Thiel, has built a business on Bob Marley-branded buds.


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