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Weed and Seed gives out dozens of backpacks in Florence

Weed School Program

Dozens of kids in the Pee Dee got new backpacks Saturday.

The Weed and Seed after school program in Florence gave away 150 backpacks

Kids like Beverly Thomas’s son who is in sixth grade at Timrod Elementary School in the non profits after school program and summer program.

The kids got pizza and popcorn along with the backpacks.

Thomas said the organization helps her all the time and she appreciates it.

“It’s a good thing to have for these children because everyone needs a helping hand sometime or another and why not you knows give the kids everything that they need for school to get them started on a you know a good head start,” Thomas said.

Emma J. Sellers is the project director and said they want the kids to start the school year off right.

“To help the kids in our community. So many of them are without so we wanted to help their parent get them stuff for school,” Sellers said.

Leaders in the neighborhood donated the backpacks.

Credit: wpde.com