Featured, Marijuana Growing, Weed

Weed Supply Issues Resolved By Grobox


My weed supply is in constant jeopardy.

From work to school and kids, there is rarely time left for personal pleasures. All the demands of the day add up and wear you down. Those demands leave me with the desire for a stable weed supply.

I love getting to unwind with a bowl of fine weed at the end of the day. But because of federal law, I can’t grab a joint or two while I’m at the store. I have to drive to the dispensary (which can be miles out of the way) within business hours.

That doesn’t even take into account the wildly fluctuating prices. Sometimes a gram of wax is $20, other times it can be as much as $55 for the cheapest dabs available. I don’t know about you but I have a problem with having my weed budget double unexpectedly.

Options seem limited.

For years, I only found two ways around these challenges. I either had to suck it up and pay or go without. At least until I really looked into producing my own supply.

Now, I have a few big challenges when it comes to growing my own weed. The first was the weather. Oregon is great but plant’s don’t do well here in the winter. As a year-round toker, that really cut into my ability to produce so any solution needed to be indoor.

Then there was the challenge of indoor space. I don’t have a huge warehouse to grow weed in. All I have is my living area. I couldn’t really get away with transforming my entire living room into a grow room.

The complexity was a real turn off.

Weed takes a lot of care to manage a weed supply well. Controlling light, watering, Ph, maintaining micro and macronutrient levels and limiting smell are just the tip of the iceberg. Plus it needs different care depending on the type of setup I chose.

I had to learn an entirely new vocabulary just to understand what kind of light I needed. Not to mention learning how to prevent and eradicate pests. Then there was the variety of nutrient options to choose from.

It was overwhelming for someone just starting out and made me throw my hands up. It seemed easier to just pay the extra and deal with shortages when they came. At least until I learned about Grobox.

I found the answer.

Grobox is a self-contained and automated growing chamber. The small footprint means it fits anywhere (even apartments). It even comes with a built-in filter to keep that sticky-icky from alerting neighbors.

I really liked how incognito it is. Grobox uses a hydroponic system so I never have to worry about people seeing me haul sacks of soil into my house. And I don’t have to dedicate an entire room to growing my personal stash.

Grobox is packed with sensors to optimize the growing conditions throughout the grow. Because I get to choose what gets planted, I always get my favorite strains. I can grow anything from a squat indica to a tall sativa and always get the best buds.

I finally get control of my supply.

Although handy gardeners can build grow boxes themselves, pre-packaged grow boxes take the guesswork out of setup and maintenance. All you need to do is pull it out of the box, fill it up and plug it in. Even a complete novice can set it up and grow beautiful marijuana their first try.

I also never have to deal with the fluctuating weed supply again. The LED lights and low-energy components also mean it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to operate either. I can grow weed year round and barely notice a change in my utility bills.

With Grobox, I know exactly what goes into my weed. I can check it’s progress daily and always know that it’s pesticide free. All the hard work of monitoring the plants is taken care of. It really is a great way to take control of my weed supply.


Credit: weedreader.com

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