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Women who smoked weed daily had more sex than the rest, according to this study

women smoking weed

SAN ANTONIO (CIRCA via KABB) — Male enhancement, menopause, menstrual cramps and female pleasure — likely not what most of us think about when we hear “marijuana.” In Denver, where recreational marijuana is legal, the highest demographic using cannabis is now using it for not only health issues but also sexual pleasure.

“Women over the age of 45 are becoming some of the fastest usage,” said James Vaca, buyer for Rocky Mountain Blaze, a marijuana dispensary in Pueblo, Colorado.

Some claim cannabis helps with arthritis, back pain and even cancer, but a growing use is for women’s health issues.

“It can be used for menstrual cramps, any type of pains in the stomach area, sore back,” said Vaca.

Foria is among the companies that claim to provide relief and pleasure to women suffering from painful menstrual cycles and even endometriosis, a condition of the outer uterus that can cause heavy periods, infertility and abdominal pain.

“They have it in oil, vaginal suppository and anal suppository. There is an explorer, it’s more for a recreational use, and the relief is more medical, beneficial,” said Vaca.

Some products contain CBD and others THC. CBD that has less than .03 percent THC is legal in all states. If it’s more than that, it is only legal in some states, like California and Colorado.

“Your CBD is cannabidiol, it’s your nonpsychoactive cannabinoid. And THC is your psychoactive,” said Vaca.

If women use suppositories or oils that contain THC, they will test positive for using cannabis. But some ignore the risk for a euphoric orgasm that many of these products claim to produce.

According to a Stanford University Medical Center study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, women who didn’t use marijuana reported having sex, on average, six times during a four-week period, while those who used marijuana daily had sex 7.1 times on average.

The results were similar for men. That’s why there are also several products containing THC that are now being sold to men, like Canna Mojo, an enhancement pill infused with THC. A box of five pills costs between $40 and $50.

Source: www.circa.com

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