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This job pays $50an hour to smoke weed, but you have to be an obnoxious stoner


Who knew that being That Annoying Guy at parties could pay off?

If you have a tendency to interrupt conversations with “Well, actually,” question the percentage of THC when offered a hit of a vape, or snottily discuss strains when everyone else is just trying to chill out, then this gig might be perfect for you!

The position pays $50 per hour for a maximum 12 hours a month to report on the “visual, factory, and tactile examination of samples.” Plus, your bud and related expenses are covered. A connoisseur will also contribute to social media posts and appear in video segments.

But you can’t just enjoy smoking weed, you have to be pretty knowledgable to land this job.

Being a member of the Cannabis Curation Committee requires more than just knowing how to roll a joint or being able to differentiate between an indica or a sativa. To apply, curators must fill out a detailed questionnaire that asks what a trichome is, tests the applicant on the “ideal temperature to vaporize and evaluate terpenoid profile,” and requires a personal statement. Oh, and you have to live in Canada.

If you’re bursting with weed-themed fun facts and your friends need a break from you, apply to be a curator! Study up — the deadline is Oct. 17.

Credit: mashable.com

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